Thursday, September 7, 2006 |
No Justice - No Peace U.S. Out of the Middle East! |
No Justice - No Peace U.S. Out of the Middle East!
August 5
* Support the Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples' Right to Resist! * End the Occupation of IRAQ, PALESTINE and LEBANON * Support the Palestinian People's Right to Return * U.S./Israeli Troops Out Now * No More Fighting and Dying for Oil Profits * STOP U.S. Aid to Israel
DONATE to help with organizing expenses
In the past few days, the horrific crimes committed against the people of Lebanon and Palestine by the U.S.-backed Israeli regime have inspired outrage and protest across the globe. What has become clear to many watching the criminal invasion of Lebanon and the ongoing brutality against the people of Palestine is the role of the U.S. as the initiator, supplier, and funder of Israel's crimes.
There would be no occupation, no bombs dropping on Lebanese and Palestinian children, no tanks destroying homes, no artillery to rain destruction on hospitals without billions of dollars each year that the U.S. government gives to the Israeli government. Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $84,854,827,200. We must expose, challenge, and struggle to end the U.S. support for Israel's crimes.
Immediately after the criminal invasion of Lebanon, the International Action Center issued a call to action for August 5, under the slogan, "No justice, no peace--U.S. Out of the Middle East!" Across the U.S., activists are organizing pickets, protests, teach-ins, informational leafleting, and public forums, all directed against the U.S. role in the crimes of war and occupation. Now, more than 200 organizations worldwide have signed on to the call, and protests will take place across the globe, from London to Cairo to Tel Aviv and throughout Latin America.
It is not enough to just say "Bring the troops home from Iraq." We must challenge the Empire everywhere that it is attempting to carve up and recolonize the area, from Afghanistan to Iran to the West Bank. We can no longer look at these struggles as isolated crises--we must unite on the streets to say "U.S. Out of the Middle East!"
Next Step: August 12, Washington DC
Join us this weekend on the streets for emergency international protests. Then, join us for the next step, the August 12th National March on Washington, called by the National Council of Arab Americans, the Answer Coalition, and the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation. Contact us at 212-633-6646 for buses from New York to Washington.
Read Call Endorse List Activity Download Flyer Donate
NEW YORK CITY, NY Sat., Aug. 5 - 4:00 pm Rally at Times Square; 5:30 pm - March to Exxon Mobile Contact the IAC at 212-633-6646 for more info
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Sat., Aug. 5, Street Meeting, Education & Outreach Day 1 P.M. at Powell & Market Street Contact IAC S.F. at 2940 16th St. #207, San Francisco, California 94103 Phone 415-561-9752 Actioncenter-SF@action-mail.org
SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Sat., Aug. 5, 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Protesters will occupy all four corners of 16th & Broadway Bring signs, banners and displays
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Sat., Aug. 5, 2 P.M. Rally at Westwood Federal Building March to Occidental Petroleum call (323) 936-7266 www.iacenterla.org
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Join the protest in Los Angeles on August 5th. For transportation to LA call 619-692-4422 iacsandiego@sbcglobal.net
DETROIT, MICHIGAN Fri., Aug. 4, 4:30 P.M. Gather at Detroit/Windsor Tunnel Entrance Randolph & E. Jefferson in downtown Detroit March to Grand Circus Park for a 6 P.M. Rally & Teach In Called by: Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI) Phone: 313-680-5508 or 313-869-8383 www.mecawi.org
US Out of the Middle East! No more war, mass murder, and occupation for oil profits! 11 AM - Gather at State + Jackson (Dept. of Homeland Security) 11:30 - Leaflet State St.; promote Aug. 9 forum and Aug. 12 mobilization in DC 12 PM - Picket offices of BP Amoco, Aon Center, 200 E. Randolph for more information, call (773) 381-5839
BOSTON, MASS Sat., Aug. 5, 11 A.M. Israeli Consulate at 20 Park Plaza March to JFK Federal Bldg Sponsored by a broad array of community, anti-war and labor groups (for a full list and for flyers and information contact www.iacboston.org) Phone: IAC 617-522-6626 Email: iacboston@iacboston.org www.iacboston.org
ROCHESTER & BUFFALO, NY Regional protest in Rochester Friday, Aug. 4, 4:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. at the Federal Building 100 State St., Rochester, NY Phone: 585-234-9459 In Buffalo: 716-604-9515 iacbuffalo@action-mail.org
PHILADELPHIA, PA Friday, Aug. 4 Federal Building at 5th & Market Sts. 4:30 P.M. The demonstration will march to a nearby media outlet--Fox news as well as other corporate beneficiaries of the expanding war. 215 724-1618 PhillyIAC@action-mail.org
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Friday, Aug. 4 Street Outreach and Corner Protest Gather at the State Office Building Complex at Preston Street to distribute flyers to State workers between 4 P.M. and 5 P.M. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd and Preston St from 5 P.M. to 6 P.M. Called by: All Peoples Congress Phone: 410-235-7040 Email: apcbaltimore@pipeline.com
ATLANTA, GEORGIA Sat. Aug. 5, 12 Noon Outreach Day, Meet at the IAC office, 1083 Austin Ave., Room 203 (corner of Euclid & Austin) Phone: 770-989-2536 Email: AtlantaIAC@aol.com
CLEVELAND, OHIO Sat., Aug. 5, Protest, 12 Noon Market Square Park, W 25th & Lorain Called by the Peoples Fight Back Center Phone: 216-481-6671 Email: PFcenter@sbcglobal.net
HILTON HEAD, S.C. Fri., Aug. 4, 4:30 P.M. Vigil & Protest at Rt 278 Called by: Hilton Head for Peace Phone: F. Taylor 843-681-4010Labels: iran, iraq, lebanon, palestine |
posted by Stop War @ 2:38 PM   |
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SEPT 22 - 29 |
It's time to move from Protest to Resistance:
SEPT 22- 29: Encampment in Washington DC & March on the White House
SEPT 29: National March on from the Capitol to the White House
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