Activity and excitement for the week long encampment against the war at home and abroad and the mass September 29th march is growing here in the MD-DC-VA area as the encampment and march draw closer. Posters and stickers are appearing all over the DC area letting people know about the activities. Local schools and universities are being leafletted and postered, and the response is enthusiastic. The students are excited to hear about the continuous rock the rulers concert that will be happening at the encampment, and the student actions on the 28th and the 29th. There is a great response to the idea that actions and contingents will focus on how the war in Iraq is also a war at home -- that the cast of SiCKO will particpate saying the money for the war needs to go toward health care; that there will be activities focusing on Katrina, saying money should go to enabling the victims of Katrina and Rita to return to their homes, not for killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Outreach will be continuing every day this week and on during the week of the encampment itself. Crews will participate in the demonstration that will happen here in DC tomorrow (Thursday the 20th) in solidarity with the Jenna 6, and also at universities and around the city. Your help is needed. If you can help out with outreach in the DC-MD-VA area, log on to the tonc site and fill in the volunteer form or the "contact us" comments form and let us know!
Frank-- DC TONC