Sunday, January 7, 2007 |
January 27 - Washington DC Get your bus tickets today! |
January 27 - Washington DC Get your bus tickets today!
As the death toll in Iraq continues to rise -- more than 3,000 U.S. soldiers and more than 600,000 Iraqis -- President Bush has made it clear that he has no intention of bringing the troops home. In fact, he wants to send 21,000 more troops to Iraq and is threatening war against Iran and Syria while U.S. gunships are shooting down Somali people in the streets.
It is equally clear that Congress, despite their clear mandate to bring the troops home, plans to vote for another $130 billion dollars in war spending this spring. The only way we will stop the war is if we stay in the streets. Get on an IAC bus to Washington for January 27!
Join the IAC contingent in the January 27 March on Washington, organized by United for Peace and Justice and hundreds of other national and local groups. We will march to demand the Immediate, Complete, Unconditional withdrawal of all occupying forces from Iraq---no timetables, no surge, not another penny for war and occupation. Bring the Troops Home Now -- Money for Jobs, Healthcare, and Education, Not War!
Tickets are $35 leaving from 55 W. 17th St., at 6:00 a.m.
Tickets must be purchased in advance. You can purchase tickets from the Solidarity Center, located at 55 W. 17th St., 5th floor, from 12-8 Mon.-Fri., and 12-5 on Saturday.
** If you are not able to go, please consider donating to cover the costs of transportation for other activists. You can donate online at http://iacenter.org/iacdonate.shtml.
Call 212-633-6646 for information.Labels: iraq |
posted by Stop War @ 2:31 PM   |
The Troops Out Now Coalition |
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SEPT 22 - 29 |
It's time to move from Protest to Resistance:
SEPT 22- 29: Encampment in Washington DC & March on the White House
SEPT 29: National March on from the Capitol to the White House
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