***Weather forecast for next week – 60’s For the latest Encampment updates - check the Encampment blog ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT ALERT Democratic Party Leaders Plan To Betray Anti-War Movement Phony “Withdrawal” Plan is Just a Cover for Funding Bush’s War DON’T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT! Antiwar Encampment in Front of Congress Starts on Monday >>> |  | DON’T BE FOOLED, the “withdrawal from Iraq” plan that Democratic Party leaders in Congress have just announced is nothing more than a cover for them to approve Bush’s request for $100 billion to fund the war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan-- in other words, to continue the war. CUT OFF THE WAR FUNDS - END THE WAR NOW – BRING THE TROOPS HOME Democratic Party leaders propose to begin withdrawing troops in a year to 18 months. Over the last 18 months, more than 1,200 U.S. soldiers have been killed, and about 7 times that many wounded and maimed. Do the math: a year or 18 more months of war is a death sentence for untold numbers of soldiers and an even greater number of Iraqis. CUT OFF THE WAR FUNDS – END THE WAR NOW – BRING THE TROOPS HOME The “withdrawal time tables” along with the “ goals and conditions” that Democratic leaders are proposing are not fundamentally different than the ones that Bush proposed in his “State of the Union” address. The real stink bomb hidden in this new “withdrawal” legislation is that Bush and his generals have the authority to “waive” any part of these so-called timetables and conditions, any time he wants to. The fact is that these new proposals amount to nothing more than political posturing by Democratic leaders in order to get some of the antiwar heat off of them while they continue to fund the war. This plan is not a plan to end the war--it is just another non-binding resolution. Representative Jerry Nadler had it right when he said “All of this is just and excuse funding another year of war”. CUT OFF THE WAR FUNDS – END THE WAR NOW – BRING THE TROOPS HOME Democratic Party leaders can end the war right now if the exercise their power to simply cut off all funding for the war. If they don’t do that, then it’s not just Bush’s war, or just the Republican Party’s war, it’s the Democratic Party’s war as well and now is the time to demand that they put up or shut up. CUT OFF THE WAR FUNDS – END THE WAR NOW – BRING THE TROOPS HOME On Monday, antiwar activists from around the country will began camping in front of the Capital building at 3rd St. right on the Washington DC National Mall. We will be there with tents, banners, placards, signs, noisemakers, etc. demanding that Congress stop the BS and simply cut off the war funding, end the war now and bring the troops home. We need you to join us. We need you to march on the Pentagon on March 17. Moreover, if there was ever a time to be in the streets, blocking traffic, occupying bridges, organizing walk-outs from coast to coast to stop this criminal war THIS IS THE TIME! The Encampment to Stop the War will start in just a few days - Monday, March 12 - and there is an enormous amount of work to be done in a short period of time. We have an opportunity in the next few days to have a major impact, if we work together--here's how you can help: - Donate to to help with the enormous costs of the Encampment - http://troopsoutnow.org/donate.shtml. If you are not able to come to the encampment, help send a youth activist to the Encampment to the week- donate for transportation and housing costs here.