Wednesday, February 7, 2007 |
A CALL TO AN ENCAMPMENT TO STOP THE WAR Washington DC – STARTING MONDAY MARCH 12 Congress is about to vote to continue the war We must not let them get away with it! During the week of March 12, Congress will begin voting on President Bush’s request for $245 billion more to finance war and occupation. Let there be no mistake, this vote is no mere routine matter. It has nothing to do with “supporting the troops.” It is a vote to continue the war. In fact, the upcoming war funding vote will be every bit as important as the vote by the 109th Congress to authorize the war in October 2002. Congress must understand that the people will not accept any excuses for its vote to continue the war by approving funding for it. The people are not fooled by symbolic, non-binding resolutions that only oppose the “surge.” It is a betrayal of the people for Congress to fool around with proposals to merely limit scope of the war by placing restrictions on the funding, or to “re-authorize” a more limited war. Last November the people voted to change the leadership of Congress so that it could do what the President is unwilling to do -- to end the war now. As Sen. Russ Feingold said recently at a Senate Hearing on Congress’s war powers, “Congress has the power to stop the war if it wants to." Now the people have given you the mandate to do that. If Congress votes to continue funding the war it will be voting to kill more U.S. soldiers, it will be voting to order U.S. soldiers to kill more Iraqis, it will be voting to continue the war. If Congress votes for more war funding, then no one can claim that this is solely the President’s war, or the Republican Party’s war; it will be Congress’s war. It is not excuse for any member of Congress to say that they oppose the war, but that their voting for more war funding to support the troops. The real support that the troops and their families need is for you to act decisively, cut off the war funding and bring everyone home alive. There is only one Congressional vote that the people, the solders, the families of solders, the Iraqi people, and the people of the world want to read about, and that’s a vote against any more war funding. Such a vote is in effect a vote to end the war and bring all the troops home now. Join us at the Encampment to Stop the War beginning Monday March 12 on the Mall in Washington DC to pressure Congress to end the war now. Endorsers: DC Anti-War Network, Code Pink, After Downing Street, Axis of Logic, Brenda Stokely, co-convener, New York City Labor Against the War*; Teresa Guttierez, May 1 Immigrant Rights Coalition*; Rebecca Rotzler, co-chair Green Party USA, Deputy Mayor of New Palz NY; Sharon Black, Million Worker March; Florida Military Families Speak Out; LeiLani Dowell, FIST - Fight Imperialism Stand Together; Joseph Parko, founding member, Georgia Peace & Justice Coalition*, Atlanta, GA; Elliot Markson, Veterans For Peace*, Brooklyn, NY; Mona Parsons, Military Families Speak Out*, Mount Vernon, OH; Julie Levine, Steering Committee, Topanga Peace Alliance*, CA; Manik Mukherjee, AIAIF, All India Anti-imperialist Forum, Calcutta, India; The Most Rev. Filipe Teixeira, Ofsjc, Diocesan Bishop, Catholic Church Of The Americas*, Brockton, MA; and thousands more.
DonSee growing list of endorsers at : www.TroopsOutNow.org/CutOffWarFundingEndorsers.html |
posted by Stop War @ 2:22 PM   |
The Troops Out Now Coalition |
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